Saturday 30 January 2016

List of Items in order of Importance

I spoke to 3 other of my class mates and we reasoned the possibilities and logic behind choosing what 
we thought where more or less important. Who should get them would be a different questions as some items are more important also or dangerous like guns.

 1.  110 lb of tanks of oxygen most important thing will not survive 200 mile trip
2.       5 gallons of water for drinking
3.       Solar powered Fm receiver- transmitter as a energy source.
4.       Stellar map of the moons constellations
5.       Portable Heater so the 4 astronauts dont freeze to death
6.       Signal Flares these will alert help of their presence in the dark or light up on dark side of moon,
7.       Food concentrate useful and convenient way to eat on the moon.
8.       50’ of Nylon rope will hold the group together and stop accidents.
9.       Parachute of silk this can be used to carry all the items in if the are to heavy
10.   Life Raft might also be used to carry items with rope.
11.   First Aid kit Needles prevent death save lives.
12.   Case of dehydrated milk less useful than water but requires less energy to chew.
13.   Compass magnetic very unreliable on the moon.
14.   .45 calibre pistols will keep all 2 of them to prevent mutiny or panic
15.   Box of matches almost useless with no air.

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